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Service Line Inventory

The primary source of lead in drinking water is customer-owned service lines. These are the pipes (pictured below) that deliver water from the main line in the street to the plumbing in a home. Since the homebuilder installs these pipes, San Juan does not have information on the type of material used.

Drawing of a house

A new State Water Resources Control Board regulation requires us to identify the type of pipe used in the service lines throughout the district. A survey of past and current employees has led us to believe there is no lead piping material in our service area. However, in order to comply with the regulations, it will be necessary to conduct an inventory of all homes constructed prior to 1988.

In the coming months, you may see District staff at your property conducting this service line inventory. It is not necessary for us to enter your home and you do not need to be present for the inspection. In order to meet a tight deadline, we will not be able to provide notice in advance of our visit. If you would like to be notified ahead of our visit to your home, please send an email to and we will do our best to make accommodations.