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Major Infrastructure Improvement Projects Completed in 2021-22

AFR 6 inch Main Extension Replacement (Retail)
This project involves the replacement of approximately 330 lineal feet of a portion of an existing 4-inch pipeline, and the addition of about 250 lineal foot extension of new pipeline, located on the east side of Auburn Folsom Road, north of Wildwood Place.  Work also involves the relocation of the existing water services as necessary to improve water service to the parcels being served.

Cavitt Stallman Mainline ‐ Mystery Creek and Oak Pine Lane (Retail)
This project involves the installation of approximately 200 lineal feet of new 12-inch diameter ductile iron pipeline between the end of the existing pipeline in Cavitt Stallman Road to the east of Mystery Creek Lane and the existing pipeline at the northerly end of Oak Pine Lane at the intersection with Cavitt Stallman.  Work also includes the installation of a new check valve, fire hydrant, and other ancillaries.

Crown Point/Lower Granite Bay Intertie (Retail) 
This project involves construction of an access manway and installation of an electric motor drive actuator onto an existing isolation valve that is located on the underground bypass piping between the Crown Point and Lower Granite Bay booster pump stations. The addition of this valve actuator will allow the valve to be automatically opened in the event of a pump station failure, providing redundancy for safety and emergency supply for both the Crown Point and Lower Granite Bay pressure zones.

Kokila SJWD/PCWA Intertie (Retail)
This Project involves the installation of approximately 800 lineal feet of new 12-inch diameter Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP), a pressure reducing control valve station with isolation and air/vacuum release valves, a flowmeter, connections (tie-ins) on each end of the new pipeline to existing pipelines, and electrical and SCADA monitoring and communications improvements.  Installation of the pipeline will be within an existing gravel surfaced site access road located within the existing Kokila Reservoir Site.  This project will facilitate an emergency intertie between SJWD and PCWA to increase supply redundancy in the event of a normal supply disruption (such as an extreme drought condition where Folsom Lake is unusually low, or a supply disruption caused by a pipeline break or pump station failure).  The Project will assist SJWD to mitigate drought vulnerabilities identified in the North American Basin Regional Drought Contingency Plan.

Margo Ln Services Replacements (Retail)
Work for this project involves the replacement of eight (8) existing water services that have reached the end of useful service life.  Depending on the construction methods used by the selected contractor there may be a need to restore a significant amount of pavement within the roadway.  Disturbed frontages of customer properties will be fully restored after the replacement of services.

Upper and Lower Granite Bay Pump Station Low Flow Pumps (Retail)
This project will add low flow pumps to each of the Granite Bay Pump Stations.  These new pumps will then be used during low water demand times of the year, thereby reduce operating costs. The Upper and Lower Granite Bay Pump Stations were originally sized based on actual historic and projected water demands.  However, due to the recent droughts and conservation efforts, water demand has fallen significantly, and during the low demand months the existing pumps do not operate efficiently which in turn results in added mechanical wear and slightly higher energy use.

Water Treatment Plant Filter Basins Rehabilitation Project (Wholesale)
This project involved rehabilitation of the District’s Sidney N. Peterson Water Treatment Plant’s filter basins.  Work tasks included removal and permitted offsite disposal of the existing, spent filter media, and replacement of tha old media with new filter media.  Prior to placement of the new filter media the spalled surfaces of the existing concrete filter basins walls and floor needed to be cleaned and prepared to receive a new coating of these concrete surfaces with an elastomeric liner.  Work also included removal of the old filter subdrain nozzles, and installation of new filter nozzles.  Due to the extensive work involved with the project it has been divided up into two seasons, with one half of the filters being done in the winter months of 2019-2020, and the remaining half of the filters to be completed in winter months of 2020-2021.

Woodminister Service Replacements (Retail)
This project involves the replacement of eighteen (18) existing water services that have reached the end of useful service life.  Depending on the construction methods used by the selected contractor there may be a need to restore a significant amount of pavement within the roadway.  Disturbed frontages of customer properties will be fully restored after the replacement of services.